1999 Dominion Camp Meeting
The last one to mention involves the 1999 Dominion Campmeeting. So many of the
messages were reminiscent of the things God had spoken to me years before and it was like getting major confirmations through many of God’s servants such as Pastor
Rod Parsley, Prophetess Juanita Bynam, Pastor Issac Pitre, Pastors Randy and Paula
White and Co-Pastor Darlene Bishop. We are talking major transformation after hearing their messages. God births many things in us when we first get saved and it begins to unfold as we grow in Him. I began to see myself walking just as Jesus walked. I began to see Jesus more as a big brother as well as Lord and Savior. I began to see God more as “daddy” God. I was so changed from the messages that other people at my job notice differences even in my appearance. In my journal shortly thereafter, I wrote that I had become a sponge of the Word. It was like an overflow of water of the Spirit and yet at the same time wanting more and more. The other thing that occurred was a change in the way I viewed my trials. I have always understood that God’s people have the victory in every situation and in every place. It is up to us to believe this and walk in it daily; however, both Pastor Bishop and Prophetess Bynam added a new dimension that I had not heard. In a nut shell, they challenged Satan and said “bring it on”. It was not in arrogance, but in ‘I know who I am’ and nothing that you do will destroy me. In fact Pastor Bishop said she would get ‘double for her trouble’. Prophetess Bynam said basically to press in the area that Satan is attacking because that is the next area of blessing. She said to Satan ‘make my day’. This type of view was kind of radical to what I had been taught down through the years. It was truly exciting.